All workshops are scheduled at Main and Maxwell in Greenwood South Carolina. Most classes are limited to 6 people, with a 4 person minimum.
Prefer to work one-on-one? No problem! Send me a message and we can set an appointment for whatever time works best for you!
Camera Basics
Do you own a camera but have no idea what all the settings mean? Do you love taking pictures but never get the results you want? In this 2.5 hour workshop we will focus on ways to gain creative control of your camera, and breaking away from the automatic settings. We will spend time learning how to navigate the camera and the settings before putting it into practice in a hands-on environment.
Cost: $65
3 Week Digital Photography Course
If you enjoy photography and really want to have an in-depth class that will help you break out of the automatic settings, this 3 week course is a great start! The 3 Week Digital Photography Course is designed to break down the creative controls for good exposure by focusing on aperture, shutter speed, exposure compensation, and creative use of composition. Aside from class time hands on photographing, assignments will be given to allow you to practice what you learn each week - and get feedback at the beginning of the next class! We will also touch on photo editing and storing.
Cost: $185
Have you ever looked at a photo taken with an iPhone and wondered how the heck that person was able to get such an amazing photograph with such a tiny piece of equipment? If you have, and you want to learn how to get the most out of your iPhone camera, this class will help you to unlock the potential of amazing photographs. You will learn how basic composition works, what the different camera modes do, how to edit photos on the phone, and the best way to share images online.
Cost: $45
Getting Creative With Your Camera
Not interested in all the bells and whistles you camera has and just want to have a fun few hours of going on a photography scavenger hunt? Say no more! Sometimes, not all the time, it's good to just let the camera think for you and let your mind just be creative. In this 2-2.5 hour workshop you will learn different rules of composition and as a group we will work independently together on a list of creative exercises to let you let looks and have fun with the camera!
Cost: $65
Lightroom Workshop
Now that you know how to take amazing photos, it's time to learn how to store, edit, export, and share those images! Adobe Lightroom is probably the best way to make all that happen. In this workshop you will learn the basics of Lightroom and develop a sound workflow for importing, editing, and sharing your images.
Group workshop times don't work for you? No problem! I am happy to do one-on-one sessions with you at any time that works best for you. These sessions are great because you have my undivided attention and we can really dig deep into the things you want to learn. Pricing is based on hourly rates with a 2 hour minimum. Send me a message if you are interested!
One-on-One Sessions